As a dog owner, it’s no secret that our furry friends are more than just pets – they are cherished members of our family.

We want to do everything in our power to ensure their happiness and well-being, from giving them the best food to taking them on long walks and even buying them comfy beds to curl up in at night.

However, as any dog owner knows, with all the joy and love comes some inevitable messes. And when it comes time for cleaning those beloved dog beds, many pet parents find themselves asking the question: Can you take dog beds to laundrette?

In this blog post, we will dive into this common dilemma and provide you with all the information you need as a devoted dog lover. So grab your pup and get cozy because we’re about to debunk some myths and give you the ultimate guide for keeping your furry friend’s bed fresh and clean!

Can You Take Dog Beds To Laundrette

Yes, you can take dog beds to a laundrette. However, always check the care label first to ensure it is suitable for machine washing. It’s also considerate to inform the laundrette that the item is a dog bed, in case they have any specific policies regarding pet items.

Table Of Content 

  • Can all dog beds be machine washed?
  • Things to consider before washing your dog’s bed
  • How to Machine Wash a Dog Bed
  • Load Size and Setting Recommendations
  • Regular Maintenance for a Cleaner Dog Bed
  • Freshening Up Without Full Washing
  • When Professional Cleaning is Best
  • Making Future Cleaning Easier
  • Establishing a Bed Cleaning Routine
  • Show Your Pup Some Extra Love Afterwards
  • FAQS

Can all dog beds be machine washed?

While many dog beds are indeed machine washable, not all of them are designed to withstand such treatment.

Some beds have removable covers that you can easily throw into the washing machine, while others, particularly those with integral stuffing or heating elements, may require hand washing or spot cleaning only.

Always check the care labels on your dog bed prior to washing. If your bed does not have a care label, it’s always a good idea to consult the manufacturer’s website or customer service for cleaning instructions.

In general, it’s best to treat any stains or messes as soon as possible to prevent them from setting in. Using pet-friendly, non-toxic cleaning solutions will also help ensure the health and safety of your beloved pet.

Things to consider before washing your dog’s bed

Before washing your dog’s bed, there are a few crucial points to consider. First, check whether the bed has any torn parts or loose threads that could get worse in the wash. You may need to mend these areas before washing.

Next, if the bed has a removable cover, it’s best to wash it separately to avoid any potential damage to the stuffing.

Additionally, remember to use a pet-safe laundry detergent as harsh chemicals could irritate your dog’s skin or cause allergic reactions. Also, consider air drying the bed instead of using a dryer, as high heat could potentially damage the material or cause shrinkage.

Lastly, it might be a good idea to clean your dog’s bed regularly, even when it doesn’t appear dirty, to keep odors at bay and maintain a clean environment for your pet.

How to Machine Wash a Dog Bed

Machine washing a dog bed involves a few simple steps. Start by removing any fur or hair from the bed using a lint roller or vacuum cleaner. If the bed has a removable cover, take it off and shake it out to remove any loose debris.

Next, place the bed or cover in your washing machine. For washable dog beds without removable covers, it may be a good idea to put them in a pillowcase or laundry bag for added protection.

When choosing a laundry detergent, opt for a pet-safe, hypoallergenic option to reduce the chances of irritating your dog’s skin.

Use cold or warm water, never hot, to prevent shrinkage and potential damage to the fabric. Once the washing is complete, air dry the bed or cover to maintain its shape and quality. If a dryer is necessary, use a low heat setting.

Lastly, always ensure the bed is completely dry before allowing your dog to use it again. This helps to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, ensuring a healthier environment for your pet.

Load Size and Setting Recommendations

When washing a dog bed in a machine, it’s vital to consider the load size and setting. As a general rule, dog beds should be washed on a gentle cycle to avoid damaging the fabric or dislodging any stuffing.

Smaller dog beds or removable covers might be washed with similar-colored items to form a full load, while larger beds may need to be washed alone.

Ensure you balance the machine load to prevent any off-balances during the spin cycle. For larger beds that fill most of the drum, it might be helpful to add towels to balance the load.

Also, consider using the extra-rinse cycle to thoroughly remove detergent residues that could potentially irritate your dog’s skin. Finally, remember to clean your washing machine afterward to remove any pet hair or debris left behind.

Dog Beds To Laundrette

Regular Maintenance for a Cleaner Dog Bed

Between washing cycles, there are several actions you can take to keep your dog’s bed cleaner for longer. Regularly vacuuming the bed helps to remove hair, dander, and dust that can accumulate over time.

Spot cleaning is another effective method for tackling small messes or stains as they occur. You can use a mild, pet-safe detergent or specialized pet stain remover for this purpose.

Another recommendation is to train your dog to use a specific spot for dirty activities, like chewing bones or playing with muddy toys.

This can prevent dirt from spreading to the bed. Regular grooming of your pet can also reduce the amount of fur and dander on the bed. Remember, a cleaner dog means a cleaner dog bed!

Freshening Up Without Full Washing

In between washes, there are several ways to keep your dog’s bed smelling fresh and clean. A fabric freshener spray designed for pet bedding can be a great option. These sprays are typically formulated with enzymes that can neutralize pet odors without the need for a full wash.

Consider spraying the bed daily or as needed to maintain a pleasant scent. Alternatively, you can also use a mixture of water and essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus to naturally deodorize the bed.

However, ensure any essential oil used is safe for dogs as some can be toxic. Another freshening method is to sprinkle baking soda on the bed, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and then vacuum it up; this can help absorb any lingering odors.

These tips can make a significant difference in maintaining a fresh and clean environment for your furry companion.

When Professional Cleaning is Best

There are instances when professional cleaning becomes the best option for your dog’s bed. If the bed is overly soiled, has stubborn stains, or is too large to fit in your washing machine, professional cleaning can ensure a thorough and effective clean.

Additionally, beds with special features such as electric heating elements are often better handled by professionals to avoid damage. 

Professional cleaners also have access to industrial-grade cleaning equipment and non-toxic, pet-safe detergents that can remove deep-seated dirt, allergens, and bacteria from your pet’s bed.

However, consider the cost and frequency of professional cleaning, as it may be more economical in the long run to invest in a durable, machine-washable dog bed.

Making Future Cleaning Easier

Ensuring a hassle-free cleaning routine for your dog’s bed rests heavily on your initial choice of bed. Opt for materials that are machine-washable, durable, and resistant to stains and odors.

Beds with removable, washable covers can significantly simplify the cleaning process. Another beneficial feature is water-resistance, as it can prevent urine, drool, or spills from seeping into the bed’s interior, making it easier to maintain cleanliness.

Regular grooming of your pet, as well as immediate spot cleaning of any mess, can also go a long way in minimizing the accumulation of dirt and odor. Remember, prevention is always better and easier than extensive cleaning.

Establishing a Bed Cleaning Routine

Creating a regular cleaning routine for your dog’s bed is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy environment. Depending on your dog’s habits and activities, you may need to wash the bed every one to two weeks.

Regular vacuuming and spot cleaning should be done as needed throughout the week. It might be helpful to set a specific day of the week as the “bed cleaning day” to keep the routine consistent.

Also, consider investing in an extra bed or cover so your dog has somewhere comfortable to rest while their main bed is being cleaned. Remember, consistency is key in maintaining a clean bed and a happy, healthy pet.

Show Your Pup Some Extra Love Afterwards

After each cleaning session, ensure to give your pooch some extra love and attention. This can be a treat, a fun game, or a longer walk.

Not only does this increase the bond between you and your pet, but it also helps your dog associate bed cleaning time with positive experiences.

This could make them more cooperative during future cleanings. Moreover, fresh and clean bedding can enhance your dog’s comfort, making their rest time more enjoyable and contributing to their overall well-being.


Maintaining a clean and fresh dog bed is more than just a chore; it’s an essential aspect of responsible pet ownership. It contributes significantly to your dog’s health, comfort, and overall well-being.

By following the tips outlined above, from selecting the right materials to establishing a regular cleaning routine, you can ensure your furry friend’s sleeping space remains a clean, comfortable, and inviting sanctuary.

Remember, a clean bed is not just about odors and appearances—it’s about providing the best possible care for your pet.


Q1. How often should I wash my dog’s bed?

   A1. Generally, it’s recommended to wash your dog’s bed every one to two weeks, depending on your dog’s activities and habits.

Q2.  Can I use any detergent to clean my dog’s bed?

   A2. No, you should only use mild, pet-safe detergents or specialized pet stain removers to clean your dog’s bed.

Q3. What should I do if my dog’s bed is too large for my washing machine?

 A3. In such cases, professional cleaning is the best option to ensure a thorough and effective clean.

Q4.Can I use essential oils to deodorize my dog’s bed?

 A4. Yes, but ensure the essential oil used is safe for dogs as some can be toxic.

Q5. Do dry cleaners take dog beds?

A5. Yes, many dry cleaners do take dog beds, but always check with your local cleaner for their specific policies.

Q6.How can I wash a big dog bed?

A6. For large dog beds, consider professional cleaning or use a large capacity commercial washing machine at a local laundromat.

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