Why Does My Dog Put Her Toys On My Bed

If you’re a dog lover like me, then you know that our furry friends can bring endless joy and happiness into our lives. 

They greet us with wagging tails after a long day at work, cuddle up beside us on the couch, and provide unconditional love no matter what.

But have you ever woken up to find your dog’s favorite toys scattered all over your bed? Or maybe you’ve noticed that your pup likes to collect their toys and place them on your bed throughout the day.

You might be wondering, why does my dog put her toys on my bed? Well, as it turns out, this common behavior serves an important purpose for our canine companions. 

So let’s dig in and explore the reasons behind this adorable yet puzzling habit of placing toys on our beds!

Why Does My Dog Put Her Toys On My Bed

Your dog placing toys on your bed is essentially an act of trust and affection. Dogs are pack animals, and in the wild, they share resources with their pack members.

So by leaving toys on your bed, your dog is sharing its ‘resources’, which in this case are the toys, with you, the pack leader.

 Additionally, your dog may do this simply because it feels comfortable and safe in your presence and wants to play while in your vicinity.

Table of content

  1. Explaining the behavior of dogs putting toys on their human’s bed
  2. Understanding the Territorial Instinct
  3. The Importance of Playtime and Toys in a Dog’s Life
  4. How Leaving Their Toys on Our Beds Can Be a Way for Them to Feel Connected to Us
  5. The Role of Scent in a Dog’s World and How Placing Their Toys on Our Bed Can Create a Sense of Security
  6. Encouraging or Discouraging Toy-Placing Behavior in Dogs
  7. FAQS

Explaining the behavior of dogs putting toys on their human’s bed

In more specific terms, your dog might associate the scent of you with feelings of comfort and security. Considering this, your bed, which carries your scent, becomes an ideal place for them to store their valuable possessions – their toys.

This behavior is analogous to how we put things that we value in a safe place. For your dog, there’s no safer place than where you, their favorite human, spend a lot of time.

By doing this, they are not only ensuring the ‘safety’ of their toys but also making a statement of their love and trust towards you. It’s their unique way of expressing affection and indicating that they feel secure with you.

Understanding the Territorial Instinct

Dogs, like many other animals, are territorial by nature. They often mark their territory through their scent and by placing their belongings, such as toys, in a specific area. When your dog places their toys on your bed, it could be a sign of them asserting their presence and marking their territory.

This doesn’t mean they are trying to dominate you, but rather they are expressing their sense of belonging. They identify you as a member of their pack and the shared bed as part of their territory.

This behavior stems from their wild ancestors, who used to mark territories to signal other packs to stay away. In modern domesticated dogs, this behavior has been adapted to the family environment.

The Importance of Playtime and Toys in a Dog’s Life

Playtime is an integral aspect of a dog’s life, contributing significantly to their overall well-being. Engaging in play activities stimulates their mental faculties, keeps them physically fit, and strengthens the bond with their human companions.

Toys serve as important tools during playtime. They can be used in a variety of games, which not only keep dogs entertained but also provide an avenue for them to exhibit their natural behaviors such as chasing, fetching, and tugging. 

Moreover, toys cater to a dog’s innate need to chew, which helps in maintaining dental health.

More importantly, toys, especially those loved by dogs, become a part of their identity, creating a sense of security and belonging. Therefore, playtime and toys go hand in hand in ensuring a happy and healthy life for dogs.

Why Does My Dog Put Her Toys On My Bed

How Leaving Their Toys on Our Beds Can Be a Way for Them to Feel Connected to Us

When your dog leaves their favorite toys on your bed, it’s more than just a random act. It’s a significant gesture that signifies their emotional connection to you. In their eyes, you represent safety, comfort, and love, and their toys are objects of affection and familiarity.

By placing their cherished toys on your bed, they are combining their loves together, symbolizing their deep bond with you. It’s as if they are saying, “I trust you with my beloved possessions because I consider you an integral part of my world.”

This behavior is a testament to the unique and powerful bond between dogs and their humans, rooted in trust, companionship, and mutual affection.

The Role of Scent in a Dog’s World and How Placing Their Toys on Our Bed Can Create a Sense of Security

In a dog’s world, scent plays an undeniable role. A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive than humans’, allowing them to create intricate mental maps of their environment purely based on smells.

This robust olfactory capability is a primary reason why dogs often leave their toys on our beds. They associate our scent, which they find comforting and reassuring, with safety and security. By leaving their toys on our bed, they are effectively marking their toys with our scent.

This fusion of their favorite toys and our reassuring scent creates a greater sense of security for them, further strengthening their bond with us. 

This behavior illustrates the depth of emotional intelligence in dogs and their relentless desire to remain connected with their human companions.

Encouraging or Discouraging Toy-Placing Behavior in Dogs

Encouraging your dog to place their toys on your bed can be a simple way to enhance the bond you share. You can do this by rewarding them with praise or treats when they display this behavior. However, if this behavior becomes excessive or disruptive, you may need to discourage it.

A gentle way to do this is by setting clear boundaries and consistent rules around where they can leave their toys. You can designate a specific box or spot for their toys and guide them to place their toys there after playtime.

Remember to use positive reinforcement to encourage this new behavior. It’s important to note that adjusting a dog’s behavior should always be done with patience and understanding, as abrupt changes can cause them stress.


Q1. Why does my dog leave toys on my bed?

A1.   Your dog is likely leaving toys on your bed to mix your comforting scent with their toys, creating a sense of security.

Q2. Is it harmful to encourage this behavior?

A2.  Encouragement is not harmful, but ensure it doesn’t become excessive or disrupt your lifestyle.

Q3. How can I discourage my dog from leaving toys on my bed?

A3.  Establish clear boundaries and designate a specific spot for their toys to help discourage this behavior.

Q4. Is abrupt change in behavior bad for my dog?

A4.  Yes, abrupt changes can cause stress in dogs. Make sure changes are gradual and patient.

Q5. What’s the best way to adjust my dog’s behavior?

A5.   Using positive reinforcement and patience is the best way to adjust your dog’s behavior.

Q6. Why does my dog bury her toys in my bed?

A6. Your dog may bury toys in your bed as an instinctual behavior to hide their prized possessions in a safe, secure location.

Q7.  Why does my dog put his toys on my chest?

A7. Your dog places toys on your chest as a way to engage you in play or show affection and trust towards you.


In conclusion, the placement of toys by dogs, be it on beds, buried in sheets, or on their owner’s chest, is a display of natural canine behavior. It reflects their instincts, their sense of security, and their affectionate bond with their owners.

While it might sometimes seem inconvenient, it’s important to handle this behavior with understanding and patience. Gradual training, clear boundaries, and positive reinforcement are tools that can be used to adjust these behaviors if necessary.

Remember to always consider your dog’s emotional wellbeing during the process

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