Why Is My Cat Peeing On The Dog Bed

Have you ever come home to find your fluffy dog bed covered in an unwelcome surprise? As the proud owner of both a dog and cat,

 I know the frustration and confusion that comes with discovering Fido’s special sleeping spot has become Kitty’s newest litter box.

For weeks now, no matter how many times I’ve washed that poor dog bed, my sneaky feline friend continues to use it as her potty playground. As a long-time companion to both species,

I was stumped as to why my loving companion would want to mark her territory over man’s best friend. That was until I did some digging and discovered the true reasoning behind this common household conflict.

In today’s post, I’ll explore the behavioral and territorial tendencies that can trigger Why Is My Cat Peeing On The Dog Bed and offer tips to help curb this unwanted behavior permanently.

Why Is My Cat Peeing On The Dog Bed

Cats are known for their territorial nature, and this behavior extends to their use of the bathroom.

 A cat may pee on a dog bed as a way of expressing dominance and marking territory. This is especially true if the cat feels threatened or insecure about the presence of the dog.

Moreover, cats have an extremely keen sense of smell, much stronger than humans. If the dog bed has a strong odor, your cat might be trying to cover it up with her own scent.

Finally, medical issues, like urinary tract infections, can also cause cats to pee outside their litter box.

 If this unwanted behavior persists, it’s recommended to consult with a vet to rule out any potential health problems

Table of content 

  • Cats vs Dogs: Understanding the Dynamic
  • Strategies to Prevent Cats from Peeing on Dog Beds
  • Using Enzyme-based Cleaners
  • Checking for Health Problems
  • Creating a Separate Cat-friendly Space
  • The Attraction of a Dog Bed for a Cat
  • FAQS

Cats vs Dogs: Understanding the Dynamic

The age-old debate of cats versus dogs often hinges on personal preference, but when it comes to interspecies interaction,

it’s essential to understand the fundamental behavioral differences. Dogs, as pack animals, are often seen as more sociable and loyal, while cats, as solitary hunters, are viewed as more independent and territorial. 

These respective traits can lead to a variety of interactions, some harmonious and others fraught with tension.

In multi-pet households, it’s not uncommon for a cat to assert dominance over a dog, despite any size disparity.

This dominance can manifest in various forms, such as marking territory (like the dog bed scenario we discussed earlier), stealing food, or claiming high-perch spots around the house. 

It’s this complex blend of personality traits and innate behaviors that makes the cat-dog dynamic so fascinating and, at times, challenging for pet owners.

Understanding and respecting these differences is key to maintaining a peaceful multi-pet household.

Strategies to Prevent Cats from Peeing on Dog Beds

To curb the behavior of cats peeing on dog beds, pet owners can take several proactive measures.

 First, maintain a clean environment for your pets, ensuring that dog beds are regularly washed and the litter box is kept clean and accessible.

In multi-pet households, providing each pet with its own designated spaces, such as separate sleeping areas and feeding stations, can help to minimize territorial disputes. 

Increasing the number of litter boxes in the house could also discourage inappropriate elimination behaviors.

In cases where the behavior persists, consider consulting with an animal behaviorist or veterinarian for professional advice. Remember, patience and consistency are key in managing pet behaviors.

Using Enzyme-based Cleaners

Using enzyme-based cleaners on the dog bed is an effective strategy for deterring your cat. These cleaners break down the components of the cat’s urine and neutralize the odor, discouraging the cat from re-marking the spot.

It’s crucial to use an enzyme-based cleaner, as traditional cleaning products may not completely eliminate the scent and could even encourage your cat to remark the area.

Before applying the cleaner, remember to spot test a small, hidden area of the dog bed to ensure it won’t discolor or damage the fabric.

Checking for Health Problems

If your cat continues to pee on the dog bed despite your best efforts, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue.

Conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or diabetes can cause changes in a cat’s urination behavior. If you notice other symptoms, such as increased thirst, changes in appetite, or lethargy,

it’s important to take your cat to the veterinarian for a check-up. Early detection and treatment of any health problems can not only resolve the inappropriate urination behavior but also ensure the overall well-being of your feline friend.

Creating a Separate Cat-friendly Space

If the issue persists despite addressing potential medical problems and cleaning, your cat might be marking the dog bed as a territorial behavior. 

Cats are territorial animals and may feel the need to mark their territory, especially in households with multiple pets.

To resolve this issue, provide your cat with its own space. This can be a specific room, a cat tree, or even a cozy corner with a comfortable cat bed and some toys. 

Having their own territory can help cats feel more secure and lessen the need for them to mark other areas, such as the dog bed, as their own.

Remember, every cat is different. It may take some time to figure out what works best for your pet. Be patient and keep trying different solutions until you find one that works for both you and your cat.

The Attraction of a Dog Bed for a Cat

It may seem puzzling, but it’s not uncommon for cats to find dog beds enticing. The reasons can vary. 

One possible explanation is the scent. Cats have a strong sense of smell, and a dog bed carries the scent of the dog, which might be appealing or intriguing to a cat.

They may also be attracted to the comfort and warmth of the dog bed, especially if it’s larger and softer than their own. Lastly, as previously mentioned, urinating on the dog bed could be a form of territorial behavior.

A cat might be trying to assert their dominance or establish their presence in a multi-pet household by leaving their scent on the dog bed. Understanding these motivations can be key to addressing the issue effectively.


Q1. How do I get my cat to stop peeing in the dog bed?

Provide separate spaces for your pets, clean the dog bed regularly, use deterrent sprays, or try behavior modification with the help of a professional animal behaviorist.

Q2. Why does my cat pee on a specific bed?

Cats may target a specific bed due to scent marking, stress, medical issues, or dissatisfaction with their own litter box.

Q3. How do you punish a cat for peeing on the bed?

Punishing a cat isn’t effective. Instead, address underlying issues, reinforce positive behavior, and consult with a vet or a professional animal behaviorist if problems persist.

Q4. Why is my cat peeing on my dog’s pee pad?

Cats may pee on a dog’s pee pad due to their strong instinct for scent marking and to establish dominance in multi-pet homes.

Q5. What smell do cats hate to pee on?

Cats typically dislike the smell of citrus, so orange, lemon, or lime peels can deter them from urinating in certain spots.


In conclusion, feline behavior may often seem perplexing, but with careful observation and understanding, it can be managed effectively.

Cats urinating on the dog’s bed could be due to a variety of reasons ranging from territorial marking to seeking comfort and warmth.

The key to addressing this issue lies not in punishment, but in addressing the root cause, providing separate spaces, and promoting positive behavior.

Consult with a vet or a professional animal behaviorist if the problem persists. Always remember, every pet is unique and requires a tailored approach to their behavior.

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